Adobe Acroread 32 Bit On 64 Bit Karmic-How?

Fred Roller froller at
Sat Oct 10 01:16:25 UTC 2009

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- On Fri, 10/9/09, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:
>> From: Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at>
>> Subject: Re: Adobe Acroread 32 Bit On 64 Bit Karmic-How?
>> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
>> Date: Friday, October 9, 2009, 5:07 PM
>> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>>> --- On Fri, 10/9/09, Fred Roller <froller at>
>> wrote:
>>>> From: Fred Roller <froller at>
>>>> Subject: Re: Adobe Acroread 32 Bit On 64 Bit
>> Karmic-How?
>>>> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for
>> general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
>>>> Date: Friday, October 9, 2009, 1:12 PM
>>>> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Fred, but this is getting stranger by
>> the
>>>> minute.  Your little tip worked even with
>> aptitude but
>>>> the apt show option doesn't pick it up.  Also
>> aptitude
>>>> and apt-cache search doesn't pick it up; only
>> acroread-fonts
>>>> even after sudo updatedb was run. Acroread-fonts
>> was from
>>>> the medibuntu repo. Without the apt show entry for
>> acroread
>>>> and not knowing the version it will install, I
>> choose not to
>>>> install from repos.  There is a bug floating
>> around
>>>> here somewhere.
>>>>> I also read the howto you listed all the way
>> through
>>>> but nothing there I haven't done. I ran the
>> command(apt
>>>> Xapian or something) which causes synaptic to pick
>> up the
>>>> additional added repos and updated before
>> searching for
>>>> acroread and sure enough no acroread only
>> acroread-fonts as
>>>> before.  Bugs are crawling out the woodwork
>> or I doing
>>>> something wrong. Let me know if you can get show
>> to work on
>>>> acroread and what version we have, if you don't
>> mind.
>>>>> Im listing my canonical and medibuntu entries
>> just in
>>>> case there is an error:
>>>>> deb karmic
>>>> free non-free
>>>>> deb sid non-free
>>>>> deb
>>>> karmic partner
>>>>> above in sources.list
>>>>   From the how to I listed I have:
>>>>      froller at metis:~$ less
>>>> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
>>>>      ## Please report any bug
>> on
>>>>      deb karmic
>>>> free non-free #Medibuntu - 
>>>> Ubuntu 9.10 "karmic koala"
>>>>      # deb-src karmic free non-free 
>>>> #Medibuntu (source) - Ubuntu 9.10 "karmic koala"
>>>> karmic partner
>>>>> karmic
>> free non-free
>>>>> Http:// non-free
>>>> Standard partner activation in source.list:
>>>>      deb karmic partner
>>>>      deb-src karmic partner
>>>>> above in software sources Other Software.
>>>>> also picked up in todays upgrade which wasn't
>> there
>>>> before is:
>>>>> Medibuntu - Ubuntu 9.10 "karmic koala" free
>> non-free
>>>>> There is an entry for the source package
>> also.
>>>>> I suspect that is where acroread was picked up
>> from as
>>>> it wasn't there before for me.
>>>>> If you see any errors in my sources please
>> kindly
>>>> point them out to me.  Thanks for your
>> comments.
>>>>> Leonard Chatagnier
>>>>> lenc5570 at
>>>> Can't see anything out of place.  Like you I
>> don't see
>>>> acroread through 
>>>> synaptic.
>>> Except for not seeing acroread in synaptic as you,
>> everything is
>>> ok today.  I have installed several updates since
>> this post and
>>> now aptitude search and show picks up acroread. 
>> Guess I just needed to wait a bit for the upgades to reach
>> the repos.  Thanks for staying around and helping
>> out.  I appreciate it.
>>> Leonard Chatagnier
>>> lenc5570 at
>>     I find that Karmic does not ever seem to
>> get all the repo's 
>> it needs. I start Update Manager and it says up to date.
>> Then 
>> I click on "check" and it fools around and finds some more
>> repo's and I have a few updates now. And one is a new
>> kernel. 
>> I never like new kernels. Bad experiences.
>> 73 karl
> Karl, you, of course, remember that you have to add the additional repos manually via software sources or sources.list.
> That's every repo except the one you see in your sources.list file or the additional ones in software sources.  You can get by with the standard ubuntu repos guite nicely but you can't get the non-free stuff that the additional repos have.  It's a legal issue why Ubuntu can't add them for you.
> Personally, I love the new kernels as they always have some improvement besides any security updates which everyone needs.
> Karmic is great and very fast to start and shutdown.  The bugs are minor in comparison to the leading edge OS, IMHO
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at
Agreed, the 6 month releases are stepping improvements.  Most of the new 
users I work with locally I load up with LTS.  These are the "stable" 
releases.  Then again, no OS is perfect, especially if you add software 
or attach to the net.


"Life is like linux, simple.  If you are fighting it you are doing something wrong."

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