[Ubuntu 8.04.3] Hardware or software bug in IBM Thinkpad T43?

Aart Koelewijn aart at mtack.xs4all.nl
Fri Oct 9 13:53:43 UTC 2009

On Fri, 09 Oct 2009 12:06:14 +0200, Detlef Lechner wrote:

> Hi,
> Last night I had my T43 in a local Ubuntu computer club. When I started
> it this morning, it came up normally, but I had no Internet access. I
> noticed that my ADSL modem plus router was in an error condition. Thus I
> restarted my ADSL modem plus router. I restarted my T43 in order to see
> if I had obtainded Internet access under normal conditions. My T43 did
> not come up fully. Rather, it showed after the startup messages a blank
> screen. For the first time ever. When I lifted the computer's body, the
> display showed in a colorful 80x25 VGA text mode a barely recognizable
> Grub screen with some characters blinking with a 1 Hz clock frequency. I
> could not proceed the startup process. I could not get access to a
> virtual console. I switched off. I switched on. I obtained the same
> result. I started the computer anew. Now it works. Is this a hardware
> bug or a software bug?
> Regards
> Detlef lechner

It may well be a harware bug. I have somewhat simular effects with an old 
laptop. If it is cold it will have to be started a few times before it 
will come up, once it is warm it will run well. Also a reboot once warm 
will go without problems. I suppose there is a bad connection or 
something like that with that laptop which will "repair" itself once it 
warms up. This laptop had problems with the motherbaord from new, was 
replaced twice. My laptop is dual boot and has the same problem with both 
OS'ses. If your T43 is dual boot you could try a cold boot with the other 
OS. If it is the hardware you may get the same result.


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