Newbie questions

Knapp magick.crow at
Wed Oct 7 18:26:04 UTC 2009

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Leonard Chatagnier
<lenc5570 at> wrote:
> --- On Wed, 10/7/09, Knapp <magick.crow at> wrote:
>> From: Knapp <magick.crow at>
>> Subject: Re: Newbie questions
>> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
>> Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 2:00 AM
>> > Sorry Doug,
>> > I tried your instruction on how to get there but after
>> finding
>> > the THP page I saw no "change server" in the top right
>> or any where
>> > on the page.  Perhaps a direct link would help or
>> maybe I need to
>> > join THP to see it.  I'm a member of FB bit not THP.
>>  I'd be glad to check it out with my 64 bit Karmic, Jaunty
>> or whatever if I could find the change server thingy.
>> > Leonard Chatagnier
>> > lenc5570 at
>> I don't know if this will help but here is the URL.
>> Here is a photo I took of the top right with the button
>> circled in
>> red. The link is good for 7 days.
> Thanks, the photo and link did help.  Your photo was nothing like
> I saw when I found THP by googling.  Your link on my ff-3.5 Karmic system did show the "change server button" which I clicked bringing up
> the select server page but there are no listings of servers that I could find.  Hitting the connect button just popped up a message saying that I must select a server etc, but none are to be found. I did explore some of the links(buttons, etc) and everything seemed to work.
> I'm using
>    Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32
> firefox flash plugin which I believe is the latest.  Not much point in checking it out on my 64 bit Jaunty as it has the same flashplugin installed.
> Hope this at least verified your problem.
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at

Yes, thanks, total verification and the exact same bad behavior. But
if you do as I first suggested and run it from Wine you will see that
it works just fine and brings up a list of servers. In the end I find
this sadly funny. Linux programmers are programming circles around
what Adobe can do. We make their software run with Wine on Linux when
they can't even do it right with the source. They are rather pathetic.

Douglas E Knapp

Why do we live?

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