Static IP (Ubuntu 9.04)

Michael White enlightenedshadow at
Mon Oct 5 21:02:41 UTC 2009

Thanks Karl. I believe that mine is now set up right.

--- On Mon, 10/5/09, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:

From: Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at>
Subject: Re: Static IP (Ubuntu 9.04)
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
Date: Monday, October 5, 2009, 1:00 PM

Michael White wrote:
> Ok guys my first real problem with Ubuntu.
> I want to set up a static IP address for this computer so that I can use TVersity.
> Remember that I am still new to Linux and please bear with me because the sooner I can learn what everything does and all the commands the sooner I won't need help and I can help others.
> I have read several articles on the issue at hand. Each one of them saying a something different. I want someone to walk me through this process if they would.
> I am using a Linksys router. DHCP is enabled.
> The IP that I wish to use is
> The default gateway for the router is
> Finally the DNS servers are: 
> (never seen this one before but it showed up with the ipconfig /all command in windows XP.)
> Obviously the subnet mask is
> Thanks in advance for the help.
    I tried to get my Ubuntu 9.04 to use a pre-set ip and like 
you I found the information was conflicting. I do know for a 
fact that wica will not now support a fixed ip. It may in 
future versions.

    Newwork Manager does have a way to set a particular ip and it 
displays this always. But it is tricky and I have yet to succeed.

73 Karl


    Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
    Linux User
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