Static IP (Ubuntu 9.04)

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Oct 5 15:52:05 UTC 2009

On 10/05/2009 07:03 AM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- On Mon, 10/5/09, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:
>> I tried to get my Ubuntu 9.04 to use a pre-set ip and like you I
>> found the information was conflicting. I do know for a fact that
>> wica will not now support a fixed ip. It may in future versions.
>> Newwork Manager does have a way to set a particular ip and it 
>> displays this always. But it is tricky and I have yet to succeed.
> I may be wrong and apologize if so, but I think Karl really means
> wicd instead of wica; at least a google on wica doesn't show anything
> about static IP's or networking. An "aptitude search wica" also picks
> up nothing.  Am I right Karl?
> In my personal experience, and many others too, wicd just works
> whereas I've had trouble with NM.  YMMV

The reason why I switched to wicd was the fact that Network Manager
wouldn't (at that time) support static IP's on the wireless connections.
I'll have to test to see if it's fixed.

@Michael: we're talking about wicd, which is an alternate to the default
Ubuntu network manager. You can find more information regarding this here:

These are also worth a read... it's from the server guide & will give
you information on how to configure from the command line in the event
you wish to bypass the Network Manager gui(s). The same commands apply
to the desktop.
and this page is handy to bookmark:

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