Grub 2 in Jaunty/Karmic can break double boot configuration

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Oct 4 05:09:09 UTC 2009

On 10/02/2009 10:13 PM, Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 12:05 AM, NoOp <snip> wrote:
>> Tomorrow I'll pull out my other test system that has jaunty drives on it
>> & test the 'upgrade' to see what I discover. I'll also reinstall the
>> Alpha 6 drive with a clean Beta to see what I find.
>> Hopefully we (karmic users/testers) can help sort out some of the issues
>> before the final release so that other/new users won't bork their
>> systems :-)
>> Thanks again for taking the time to providing the details/info.
>> Gary
> Gary,
> I followed your thread when posted, thanks.
> Although a similar bug was present on some alpha versions (Karmic
> install crash in the presence of another OS) apparently it has already
> been addressed. I'm kind of puzzled. Could a fresh install on (hd0,0)
> still crash if another OS or probably grub1 is present? I can't even
> figure if I'm really facing a bug.
> Except for the missing grub2, and the inability to reboot, my Karmic
> install apparently went fine.
> Lucio

Today was: 1) Stanford/UCLA football game (Stanford won), 2) Cal/USC
football game (Cal lost) & got home and couldn't figure out why I
couldn't browse this system via Nautilus/Samba from my other systems.
  Turns out I had enabled the UFW firewall on this system (playing with
firewalls, is like playing with fire... you get burnt sometimes) & took
me nearly two hours to figure out the problem by finally looking at
'sudo iptables -L' and that I really didn't need to do a 'sudo apt-get
purge samba' after all.

So, I shall gladly attempt to perform a 'karmic destroy' update on my
jaunty test system tomorrow. That has to be easier than figuring out
"simple" samba problems :-)

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