Can I get system update (synaptic) to use non-root filesystem?

Chris G cl at
Fri Oct 2 17:07:39 UTC 2009

On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 05:40:24PM +0100, Colin Law wrote:
> 2009/10/2 Chris G <cl at>:
> > I'm not installing any new applications, only trying to apply the
> > recommended System Updates, so while things inevitably grow I wouldn't
> > expect to be using much more space after the upgrade.
> >
> > System Update says it needs 450Mb or so to do the upgrade, since the
> > system only has 2Gb altogether that's very difficult to manage.
> >
> Another approach would be to look at what System Update says is needed
> then do them a bit at a time by selecting only some parts.  So for
> example if a new kernel is included install that then remove the old
> kernel to free up the space.
> Also you may decide some (probably many) of the updates you do not
> need at all as you do not use those apps.
> Have you started by uninstalling any apps that you do not need?
Yes, I'm pretty sure I have removed just about everything I don't
need.  There may be a *little* more.

I did initially try doing one application at a time but it gets a bit
laborious, it may be a bit ore practical now that I have freed up a
little more space.

Chris Green

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