Can I get system update (synaptic) to use non-root filesystem?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Oct 2 16:40:24 UTC 2009

2009/10/2 Chris G <cl at>:

> I'm not installing any new applications, only trying to apply the
> recommended System Updates, so while things inevitably grow I wouldn't
> expect to be using much more space after the upgrade.
> System Update says it needs 450Mb or so to do the upgrade, since the
> system only has 2Gb altogether that's very difficult to manage.

Another approach would be to look at what System Update says is needed
then do them a bit at a time by selecting only some parts.  So for
example if a new kernel is included install that then remove the old
kernel to free up the space.

Also you may decide some (probably many) of the updates you do not
need at all as you do not use those apps.

Have you started by uninstalling any apps that you do not need?


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