Dovecot upgrade

Sam Przyswa samp at
Fri Oct 2 12:12:23 UTC 2009

I just want you think just a minute about the SysAdmin on a network of 
hundreds users who can't catch their mails because "isn't where you 
expected" after a simple upgrade.

Reply by "get a Mac" it's not what we are expected from a foundation 
like Ubuntu, perhaps you have to take care about the SysAdmin who have 
the responsibility of lot of users mail. It's for these reasons that I 
said Ubuntu it's not a right OS for production server and your response 
confirm my talk.

Sorry for the disturbing.


Derek Broughton a écrit :
> Sam Przyswa wrote:
>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> Please don't post in HTML
>> It broke for me too, but as there were kernel updates, I rebooted and
>> all was fixed. YMMV.
>> <br>
>> Ok, did you mean after apps upgrade we have to reboot a system as with
>> Windows !!! <br>
> No.  He had kernel updates.
>> My was changed and I lost lot of mail !<br>
> It's _highly_ unlikely that you lost any.  It just isn't where you expected 
> it.  Since you've only griped, and haven't given us any information we could 
> use to diagnose your problem, we can hardly tell you where it actually is.
>> <br>
>> And now after reboot SURPRISE no more sound on my machine.<br>
>> <br>
>> Thanks A LOT to the Ubuntu maintainer.<br>
> Don't be a fool.  You broke this yourself, and are blaming Ubuntu 
> maintainers for not protecting you.  This is Linux - you break it, you get 
> to keep both halves.  If you want your hand held, get a Mac.

Sam Przyswa - Chef de projet
Email: samp at
Arial Concept - Intégrateur Internet
36, rue de Turin - 75008 - Paris - France
Tel: 01 40 54 86 04 - Fax: 01 40 54 83 01
Fax privé: 09 57 12 27 22
Skype ID: arial-concept

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