Setting Up a Router:

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Thu Oct 1 17:44:17 UTC 2009

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Joseph <ubuntu at> wrote:
> Wade Smart wrote:
>> Joseph wrote:
>>> ~TraydenT~ wrote:
>>>> Le 01/10/2009 16:23, Joseph a écrit :
>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I have Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty), and a Linksys Wiureless-G Broadband Router,
>>>>> model number WRT54G2 V1
>>>>> I can't seem to get my system to recognize it.  My old Windows Computer
>>>>> sees it fine, but not Ubuntu.
>>>> How do you connect you computer to the router ? What do you call
>>>> recognize it ?
>>>>> I have absolutely no idea what to do here.  Any suggestions?
>>>> If you don't see the wireless network, check that another computer can
>>>> see it. If so, check that the wireless hardware on your computer is
>>>> detected and handled by your Ubuntu system.
>>>> If you are connected through wired network, check the cable for the
>>>> connection. If the cable is ok, check that you get an IP. Then check the
>>>> IP (in the range of your local network).
>>>> I may be out of your problem since I may have misunderstood it.
>>> It goes through the router to my other computer (windows), but not this
>>> one (ubuntu).
>>> Detlef Lechner gave me a URL.  I found instructions there.  It said:
>>> Go into your router software -
>>> On the Setup tab, select the subtab: Basic Setup
>>>  From the pull down list box "Automatic Configuration -DHCP"
>>> should be selected.
>>> Router Name: WRT54G2
>>> Host Name: leave blank
>>> Domain Name: leave blank
>>> MTU: Select "Manual"
>>> Size: change to 1490
>>> Now select the "Wireless" tab
>>> Wireless Configuration: select "Manual"
>>> Wireless Network Name (SSID): type in: Your SSID name here.
>>> Wireless Channel: select 9 - 2.452GHz
>>> Wireless SSID Broadcast: select "Enabled"
>>> Now click on the sub tab: "Wireless Security"
>>> Security Mode: Select WPA Personal
>>> WPA Algorithms: select: TKIP
>>> WPA Shared Key: type a secret key: (MUST BE 8 OR MORE CHARACTERS)
>>> Group Key Renewal: 3600 seconds
>>> Now click on the Security tab
>>> Click on the check mark box next to all of the filters
>>> Your done.
>>> _______________________
>>> Like I said, I am not experienced in this...   He says to "go into the
>>> router software," but my software which came with the router would be
>>> for Windows and Mac, but not for Ubuntu.  How do I get software that
>>> will work for Ubuntu?
>>> I'd gone to
>>> and found downloads for this router, but none seem to be for Ubuntu/Linux.
>> Joseph,
>> Type in the address or 1.1 in your browser. That will take
>> you to the "software" that is being talked about. You dont need software
>> for your OS, its on the router.
>> The software is more like a website inside the router. Its all web based.
>> If its a newer linksys leave the username blank and password is admin
>> otherwise try root and admin.
>> ... I just looked at the link you posted, try no username and admin to
>> get in.
>> You dont need any drivers for the setup of the router.
>> Wade
> Wade, please forgive me for my computer ignorance, but when you say
> "browser," what do you mean?  Internet Browser???  If so, I'm timing out...

I believe the Linksys WRTG54 models default to having an IP address of

Unless you have changed it yourself of course.

It might be easier to move over to your Windows machine, open a
command line window (Hit WIndows-R and enter CMD in the box that pops
In the command box that opens, enter "ipconfig" (without the quotes)

You're looking for the line that reads

Default Gateway:

The ip address after this is your routers ip address.

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people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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