Ubuntu 9.10 locking up regularly after upgrade (Was Re: I am using Ubuntu 9.10 version - facing problem with my system)

sdavmor sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Mon Nov 30 23:46:08 UTC 2009

Andrew Farris wrote:
> Is it the whole system that is hanging, or just the GUI? You can check
> this the next time it hangs by hitting ctrl+alt+F1 (any key from F1 to
> F6 should work, but for ease of communication and all...). If you get to
> a text terminal then your computer is not freezing, rather the GUI is
> locking up. Once it is determined which is actually happening, we can
> focus on the right area.
> Another thing you can try is re-enabling the 'zap X' key combo so that
> if it turns out the GUI is all that is freezing, you can just kill the
> GUI w/o restarting the whole computer. The key combination is hard-bound
> to "Ctrl+alt+Backspace", so if you need this key combination for
> something else, don't follow the directions below. otherwise... To do
> this:
>      1. Go to: System > Preferences > Keyboard | Layouts Tab > Layout
>         Options
>      2. Click the arrow next to "Key sequence to kill the X server" and
>         click the checkbox next to "Control + Alt + Backspace". Be aware
>         that from now on, if you press that key combination, your GUI
>         will shut down, and you will return to the login screen.


A very useful post, Andrew.

When I converted to Karmic I had repeated lockups.  But thy went away 
  within a week or so as I acquired updates.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
Systems Theory music project: <www.systemstheory.net>
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NP: nowt

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