help with partition

Gary Kirkpatrick pegngary at
Sun Nov 29 14:11:36 UTC 2009

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:

> Gary Kirkpatrick wrote:
> > When I did so I created a partition which was assigned sda1.  From
> >  within 9.10 I can look at this partition but can not write to it.  I
> >  want to be able to store data there.  What do I have to do?  Should
> >  I have created a logical partition instead?
> No, for the permissions there is no difference between logical and
> primary partition. I suppose your partition has an ext2/3/4 file system.
> Then the file permissions are stored on the partition for the individual
> files and initially everything is owned by root. If you want to write to
> the new partition as a normal user, I would suggest you create a new
> directory for your UID and change ownership. If your partition is at
> /media/sda1 the commands in a terminal would be this:
> sudo mkdir /media/sda1/$USER
> sudo chown $USER: /media/sda1/$USER
> Nils
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For USER I substitute my user name?  How do I know where my partition is, or
does this simply mean that we are talking about gaining access as a normal
user to sda1?

thanks for your help!

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