Mac look alike?

Chris Jones christopher.rob.jones at
Sat Nov 28 15:43:37 UTC 2009

I know I said my last post would be my last... ;)

> 30.000 machines. They service all brands. They make money
> from all. Why should they lie? These are simple statistics.

I never said they lie. Their results are valid as far as they apply to the small sample of machine they see. My point is the flaw with any survey is how accurate it is to then apply those results more generally. Without knowing more details on precisely the sorts of machines they get to service and the history of those machine, I personally would not trust any extrapolation of their results to any other sample then those they saw.

>> Doing such a review properly is difficult verging on impossible
>> without some sort of bias, in my opnion.
> Well, that's your opinion. You are wrong, but you are
> allowed to be wrong. They have no reason to be biased,
> either way you look at it.

That is also your opinion. You cannot say I am 'wrong' as that is implying your opinion is more correct than mine.

( Seriously, my last word this time...)

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