Mac look alike?

Chris Jones christopher.rob.jones at
Sat Nov 28 15:01:04 UTC 2009

>> I think Apple machines are better put together than most others.
> What you "think" is irrelevant in the face of real facts.

You seem to be missing my point. My personal opinion regarding Apple hardware is not based on some psuedo-religious belief that Apple 'must' make better machines than anyone else. I didn't start out with this view years ago and then decided to shape my experiences to fit this. It was the other way around. I've owned various machines over the years, and by far my current mac is the best put together. This is a fact, as far as it goes and you cannot argue it away. I sure there are others who have had similar good experiences with other hardware and would argue the same for them. I would never suggest their opinions are any less valid than mine.

I also never said that my opinion was a replacement for a 'proper' statistical analysis. I was just pointing out there there was no reason to believe the particular review that was picked out of the vast amount of crude on the internet is totally accurate and unbiased. Doing such a review properly is difficult verging on impossible without some sort of bias, in my opnion. My personal experiences might well go against such a proper rigorous analysis and unbiased analysis, if it exists, but it still doesn't change my experience or invalidate it.

Anyway, this debate has certainly now gone well OT now, so this is my last word in this thread. Its clear we both have our own views on Apple hardware and neither is going to convince the other to change anyway ;)

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