Docking the slide pane in Open Office Impress?!?

John Abbott fewclues at
Thu Nov 26 23:11:17 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 09:23 +1100, Karl Auer wrote:

> Then John sent a piccy of a View button on the "Tasks" pane :-)
> I did see the "View" menu on the "Tasks" pane (see my message quoted
> above), and it does indeed dock and undock the "Tasks" pane. But the
> "Tasks" pane is not the problem - the "Slides Pane" is the problem, and
> the "Slides Pane does *not* have a "View" menu. The dock/undock facility
> for the "Tasks" pane does not affect the "Slides Pane" (I checked).
> I think the "Slides Pane" *should* have a "View" menu, but it doesn't.
> However, since I have found a workaround and now have my "Slides Pane"
> back where it belongs, I'm happy.
> Regards, K.

OK - I've given up the first half of the Dallas vs Oakland football game
but here is the answer.

I know its like black magic but it works every time.   On the slide pane
put the pointer just below the word "slide" , Hold down the Control key
and double click.  Really not graceful but it works.   Gonna finish my
turkey sandwich and watch the second half. 

Happy Thanksgiving All - and if you aren't in the states be thankful I'm
not your neighbor :o))
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