Docking the slide pane in Open Office Impress?!?

Karl Auer kauer at
Thu Nov 26 22:23:13 UTC 2009

John Abbot wrote:
> > > To the top right of the pane is a "view" menu.   When you pull it down
> > > you will notice that the last option is Dock or Undock.  Simply click
> > > on that to secure or float the pane. 

Karl wrote:
> > Um - nope. No "View" menu anywhere to be seen. Can you describe
> > precisely where you would expect to find it?
> > 
> > There *is* one for the "Tasks" pane, which does provide an "Undock"
> > checkbox, but that menu is not present anywhere on my "Slide Pane".

Then John sent a piccy of a View button on the "Tasks" pane :-)

I did see the "View" menu on the "Tasks" pane (see my message quoted
above), and it does indeed dock and undock the "Tasks" pane. But the
"Tasks" pane is not the problem - the "Slides Pane" is the problem, and
the "Slides Pane does *not* have a "View" menu. The dock/undock facility
for the "Tasks" pane does not affect the "Slides Pane" (I checked).

I think the "Slides Pane" *should* have a "View" menu, but it doesn't.
However, since I have found a workaround and now have my "Slides Pane"
back where it belongs, I'm happy.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at                   +61-2-64957160 (h)                  +61-428-957160 (mob)

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