Karmic: stop: Unknown instance

Pierre Frenkiel pierre.frenkiel at laposte.net
Wed Nov 25 16:29:25 UTC 2009

On Wed, 25 Nov 2009, Tom H wrote:

> Not only is NM not the problem but I find this irrational hate that
> many for what must be the most widely used "network manager" (generic
> use of the term, not NM itself) bizarre.

   2 remarks

   1/ when speaking of "networkmanager", most people, if not not all,
      have actually in mind "NetworkManager", as this is what comes
      with Ubuntu intalls. If you know a better one, tell us.

   2/ why do you call "irrational" what is in fact the result of experience:
      For myself (but it seems that I'm not the only one), it happened
      several time that I experienced network problems  (generally network
      not working at all), and that these problems disappeared as soon
      as I removed NM.
      I feel that NM is just one example of the present tendency to
      make Linux behaving more and more like Windows, hiding all system
      operation, so that's it's more and more difficult to convince the
      system to do what you want, and not what it has decided to do.
      An other example is the replacement of init.d scripts by upstart
      With the former, it was very easy to modify a script (what was needed
      some time ago, for example, to enable usb for virtualbox guests)
      I have no idea how I would do that now, and it's not the initctl
      man which can give the answer!

Pierre Frenkiel

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