Start stop services controlled by upstart on karmic
Tom H
tomh0665 at
Tue Nov 24 20:31:20 UTC 2009
>> Coming from Fedora I always use service (originally in a root terminal)
>> to start, stop or enquire the services running from /etc/init.d.
>> I found this works just as well in Karmic. It is easy and safe and
>> should be propagated.
> Yes. I'm not quite sure when "service" became part of Ubuntu, but I think
> it was Intrepid, and imo a very welcome addition. Prior to that I used to
> suggest it, until somebody helpfully pointed out that I'd created my own
> alias, and most users didn't have it :-)
Apologies for the delayed response. Your email
I thought the Ubuntu/Debian equivalents of service and chkconfig were
invoke-rc.d and update-rc.d. I knew that there is a package to install
chkconfig but did not know that service was also available. It is
installed by sysvinit-utils so it may disappear once Ubuntu is totally
To Rashkae:
You could also remove the start stanza from whatever service you want
to start manually rather than stop it form starting at every level as
I had first emailed you - "start on (runlevel [!0123456])".
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