
Steve Reilly sfreilly at
Tue Nov 24 16:17:51 UTC 2009

R Kimber wrote:
> Is virtualbox-ose installed by default?  I see from synaptic that I have it
> installed, yet I don't use it (not explicitly anyway).  I also see that
> in /etc/default/virtualbox-ose the modules are loaded by default.  Is there
> any harm in setting these not to load?

unless things have changed with karmic, I dont believe so..... did you
maybe install with a linux magazine dvd? ive seen where they have it on
the desktop when you boot a live cd before..if you remove virtualbox,
the kernel module will go with it.  I dont see the harm in not loading
the module on boot, but if you try to start virtualbox it will complain
that its not loaded. youll have to manually load it before using.

Steve Reilly

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