Installing tar.gz files

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Thu Nov 19 13:00:37 UTC 2009

devan wrote:
> Hello Ubuntu users,
>   I am new to Ubuntu and I am very confused.  I recently installed Ubuntu
> 9.04 and I have a tar.gz file of dvd::rip that I would like to install.
> Could someone please send very clear instructions to me on how to do this?
> I am not used to using Terminal or anything on Ubuntu.  Thanks.
	The usual way to load new things on Ubuntu is to use:

		$ sudo apt-get install filename

where filename is the name of the application you want to add.

	So tell us what your trying to load. The regular way might work.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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