etc alternatives craziness

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Wed Nov 18 05:16:47 UTC 2009

Rashkae wrote:
>>> Your recommending Slackware or Gentoo to HIM?  LOL
>> Why not? (Maybe not Gentoo - it is also a dictatorship with alternatives 
>> installed - Even slackware has some dictatorship as to layout, packages 
>> available and blah blah.) He wants to be free right? Linux From Scratch 
>> - ultimate freedom.
> I switched from RedHat to Slackware when I was a noob and was left
> completely frustrated by the changes wrought by RedHat 6.  Back then, I
> just didn't have the technical savvy to fix those things that irritated
> me.  I have since switched my preferred distro to Ubuntu, so I don't
> have to spend so much time manually compiling and updating software. I
> feel I could operate with reasonable competency in any of them, and can
> even extend my knowledge of Linux to help with advanced tasks on the
> Mac.  I will, however, forever be grateful to Slackware for providing
> the perfect, just works, no non-nonsense environment for me to learn my way.

I think it was more that you had to pretty much understand how a Linux 
operating system is built to be able to get a slackware distro up and 
running and you saw it being put together. It is easier to work 
something out if you have to build it than taking it apart to figure it out.

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