etc alternatives craziness

Rashkae ubuntu at
Wed Nov 18 04:28:11 UTC 2009

>> Your recommending Slackware or Gentoo to HIM?  LOL
> Why not? (Maybe not Gentoo - it is also a dictatorship with alternatives 
> installed - Even slackware has some dictatorship as to layout, packages 
> available and blah blah.) He wants to be free right? Linux From Scratch 
> - ultimate freedom.

I switched from RedHat to Slackware when I was a noob and was left
completely frustrated by the changes wrought by RedHat 6.  Back then, I
just didn't have the technical savvy to fix those things that irritated
me.  I have since switched my preferred distro to Ubuntu, so I don't
have to spend so much time manually compiling and updating software. I
feel I could operate with reasonable competency in any of them, and can
even extend my knowledge of Linux to help with advanced tasks on the
Mac.  I will, however, forever be grateful to Slackware for providing
the perfect, just works, no non-nonsense environment for me to learn my way.

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