etc alternatives craziness

Res res at
Wed Nov 18 03:23:37 UTC 2009

On Tue, 17 Nov 2009, Ray Leventhal wrote:

> When you run *any* packaged based system (Ubuntu, Debian, RH, CentOS,
> etc...) you need to stay with packages for installations wherever
> possible.  Why?  Because things tend to break when you don't, as you've
> seen.

I like his ascertion of the dictatorship by making it used, but I'm a 
rebel :)

> I understand your desire to work with newer versions of things than are
> in the repositories.  That being said, try Slackware, Gentoo or others
> which rely on an administrator's ability to build from source.

Slackware does release packages already built you know :) But tehy are 
built true from source and not hacked/butchered or more to hte point, 
distro-ised, which is why I run nothing but Salkware on servers and 
anything for mission critical.

> Then again, as all this is open source, you can feel free to build a
> system all by yourself and have exactly what you want...though making it
> all work together is more of a PITA if you ask me.

Thats the KEY, the freedom to do what you want.


"What does Windows have that Linux doesn't?" - One hell of a lot of bugs!

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