etc alternatives craziness

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Nov 16 23:53:53 UTC 2009

Ed Lazerus wrote:
> Dear list,
> Can someone please tell me how can I disable and prevent this
> /etc/alternative mess?
> it is cause so many things to not work, many seem to be disabled and links
> to non existent files.
> Please, I'm not interested in fixing the alternatives stuff, I would like to
> know if it can be removed completely so installed softwares work as they
> should.
> I run Hardy and decided to use a 21st century version of aMSN and not the
> old rubbish we have to put up with, I removed amsn and amsn-data, I built
> the new aMSN, and run make deb, install with dpkg, all good, until I try run
> and it complain about wish (I create symlink so amsn now good) , this is
> just one of many things I find not work, so decide alternatives has to go
> because I have better things to do then recreate a lot of symlinks.
> ciao Eddie
	I looked and Ubuntu Jaunty does have a /etc/alternatives but 
in all the time I have had Jaunty I had no reason to look at 
the directory. It has a lot of stuff for sure. I have Hardy 
too. Also never ever looked at that. How did YOU manage to 
screw it up?

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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