JRE And Ubuntu

Jatin Davey daveyjatin at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 17:25:09 UTC 2009

Leonard wrote:
> Jatin Davey wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have five questions:
>> 1. Does the default ubuntu 9.10 download include JRE when we download
>> the .iso files from a peer-to-peer network client like utorrent ?
> Don't know about the iso for sure but the normal repos do.  Aptitude 
> search jre list several renditions including Sun.
>> 2. If not which version of JRE can be installed without any issues on
>> Ubuntu 9.10 ?
> icedtea-6-jre-cacao and sevral other related jre apps are installed by 
> default on my karmic.  I have installed manually sun-java6-jre which 
> works fine and shows up on my browsers about:plugins. If there is a 
> dependency issue apt/aptitude should take care of it.
>> 3. After installing JRE on ubuntu 9.10 how do i check whether it is
>> installed or not ?
> aptitude show <pkg name of jre you installed> or even aptitude search 
> <pkg name> would show if it is installed.  You could also use any apt 
> related gui(synaptic, etc) and search for it.  This is pretty basic 
> Debian/Ubuntu Linux which you should know unless this is your first 
> venture into Debian based Linux.
>> 4. After installation where would normally get installed on a linux OS ,
>> It is under "Program Files" normally under windows OS ?
> It should show up in the system/applications menu in either gnome or 
> kubuntu-desktop.  Do "locate jre"(without quotes) from the command line 
> to see all the folders(dir) that have jre in the path.  There will be 
> many.  You appear to be a windoze user just starting out in Ubuntu 
> linux, if so, calling attention to that fact may get you more useful, 
> explicit help.
>> 5. Does the CD have JRE in it ? Just want to make sure before
>> downloading it.
> Im pretty sure it dose and you can verify by reading the CD's folders or 
> going to the download site and looking at the files contained in the iso 
> file.  You have nothing to worry about regarding jre.  Just download the 
> live CD or alternate CD iso, install Ubuntu and enjoy. It is advisable 
> that you read up on howto install Ubuntu using the iso file
> and howto make an iso image on a CD before attempting to actually 
> install K(U)buntu.  Many newcomers don't know how to make(burn) an iso 
> image to a CD(DVD) or burn it at too fast a speed causing errors in the 
> burning process.  A little study before hand will save you some 
> headaches.  HTH,
>> Thanks
>> Jatin
Thanks Leonard.


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