Karmic screensaver asks for password
Xandros Pilosa
folivora.pilosa at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 15:49:37 UTC 2009
Dne 16.11.2009 (pon) ob 10:16 -0500 je Laura Conrad zapisal(a):
> >>>>> "Xandros" == Xandros Pilosa <folivora.pilosa at gmail.com> writes:
> Xandros> 1. experiment would be to set
> Xandros> /apps/gnome-power-manager/buttons/lid_ac
> Xandros> to the value "nothing"
> No change.
You did try this while connected on AC power, right?
> Xandros> 2. experiment would be to set
> Xandros> /apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/suspend
> Xandros> to "false"
> Are you sure you mean "false"? It isn't one of the values listed in
> the description. In any case, "false" didn't do anything.
Sorry, should be more explicit:
just uncheck - clear the check mark from the square on the left.
(there are only 2 options true or false - checked or unchecked)
One more question:
You mentioned your sys is upgraded (not clean install). Did you by any chance enabled root account sometime in the past?
I suggest you try this:
Alt+F2 --> type: gksu gconf-editor --> inspect all relevant key we talked about:
/apps/gnome-screensaver/lock_enabled --> should be unchecked
/apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/blank_screen --> should be unchecked
/apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/use_screensaver_settings --> unchecked
/apps/gnome-power-manager/buttons/lid_ac --> should have value "blank", you can try with "nothing" also.
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