Is 9.10 a black eye for Ubuntu?

Robert Spanjaard spamtrap at
Mon Nov 16 10:50:33 UTC 2009

On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 17:23:55 -0700, Karl F. Larsen wrote:

>>> 	Karmic = Jaunty + 6 months of design change. I have both on
>>> this computer and I prefer Jaunty. You might prefer Karmic if you took
>>> time to use it instead of complaining.
>> If you'd taken the time to use your brainbefore posting, you might have
>> noticed that I _am_ using Karmic.
> 	How do I learn your using Karmic? What do you look for??? Or
> is that a trade secret?

You must have seen something that told you I'm _not_ using Karmic, unless 
you admit that your statement was pure nonsense.

But the 'secret' is in the headers. I'm using Pan 0.133, while Jaunty 
still had 0.132.

Regards, Robert                            

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