Is 9.10 a black eye for Ubuntu?

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Nov 16 00:23:55 UTC 2009

Robert Spanjaard wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 15:50:28 -0700, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>>> Now, a key point.  Anyone that can develop a perfect Operating System
>>>> in six months is not a member of this planet.
>>> Anyone thinking that Karmic was developed in six months while claiming
>>> to have a background in software development is insane.
>>>> Computer users should learn to not cry and to not give themselves a
>>>> reason to cry and stick with the version developed for business and
>>>> the average user.  A short term system is nothing more than a beta
>>>> version
>>> Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that Karmic just moved _out_ of beta status.
>>> Must be my mistake.
>>>> that is to become the LTS version in 11/04.  For those of us that
>>>> enjoy the challenge, Ubuntu gives us the latest version every six
>>>> months and we are never asked to spend a dime for it.  So why all the
>>>> tears ad discontent?
>>> Because, as you said yourself, Karmic is nothing more than a beta
>>> version. It's not the final release version that Canonical claims it to
>>> be.
>> 	Karmic = Jaunty + 6 months of design change. I have both on
>> this computer and I prefer Jaunty. You might prefer Karmic if you took
>> time to use it instead of complaining.
> If you'd taken the time to use your brainbefore posting, you might have 
> noticed that I _am_ using Karmic.
	How do I learn your using Karmic? What do you look for??? Or 
is that a trade secret?



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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