Is 9.10 a black eye for Ubuntu?

Willis Taylor th1bill at
Sun Nov 15 21:14:55 UTC 2009

First, I am running Karmic n both my primary computer and on the reserve
on the other end of my desk.  Yes, there is a minor glitch with Gimp
freezing the machine but it has just managed to make me a better
computer user because I save more often.

Am I mad at the Ubuntu development team?  No, I am not.  Is there a
black eye involved?  It would appear that there are many as a result f
Karmic but none of them belong to the Ubuntu Team.  When I was a Beta
Tester for MS I worked with some lousy software.  Ubuntu has not dump
junk on the market that could not get past the Beta Testers ad expected
people to pay for the privilege of using junk software.

Now, a key point.  Anyone that can develop a perfect Operating System in
six months is not a member of this planet.  It follows that anyone that
wants or desires to run cutting edge technology is going to run into
faults in the software.  As a person that has dedicated himself to
introducing the world to legally free software I push Ubuntu everywhere
I go and then I give these folks free tech support for as long as they
need it.  For this reason, the only system I install for these "users"
is Hardy, the Long Term Support version.

Computer users should learn to not cry and to not give themselves a
reason to cry and stick with the version developed for business and the
average user.  A short term system is nothing more than a beta version
that is to become the LTS version in 11/04.  For those of us that enjoy
the challenge, Ubuntu gives us the latest version every six months and
we are never asked to spend a dime for it.  So why all the tears ad

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