Media Drive Permissions

Mark Traceur marktraceur at
Sun Nov 15 06:26:03 UTC 2009

I have four drives inside of my computer. Two are for operating
systems (80GB for Kubuntu, 160GB for Vista because it's a resource
hog) and two for media files (videos, pictures, music, documents,
backups, etc.)

One of the media drives (I call him Media, it's a very creatively
named bunch of drives) is mounted perfectly and has everything figured
out in life. He is an ntfs drive.

The other (her name is Media2, she's a bit bigger but Media loves her
very much) is a fat32 partition, and it is also mounted well. However,
I do not have permission to write there. Anytime I want to write to
the disk, I have to do it as root.

I've tried sudo chown -R mark /media/Media2, but it says something
like "chown: changing ownership of `/media/Media2/Movies/Tron':
Operation not permitted" for every file, and I wind up back at square

Is there any way to change the ownership or permissions on a Fat32
drive without reformatting it? I sort of backed myself into a corner
and cannot backup the files right now (though I'm looking into another
drive), so reformatting is currently out of the question (though you
can be sure that, when I do, it will be as ntfs!)

Thanks in advance guys, I added this list last weekend and I already
feel like I know a lot more about Ubuntu! You are all awesome.



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