Mobile Broadband Problems with 9.10

Sergio Helio Goncalves shgoncalves at
Wed Nov 11 11:45:00 UTC 2009


I've been using Ubuntu for a few months now (version 9.04) and I've been 
quite satisfied with it. Everything has been working well.

I upgraded to version 9.10 this week and for some reason, I am unable to 
activate the the broadband connection. It's as if it doesn't exist., but 
it's there. If I click the connection manager, the connection doesn't 
appear, but if I open the connection manager, the the connection exists. I 
created it. 

Could you please help with this?

Thank you.

Melhores cumprimentos / Best regards / Cordiales saludos / Cordiales 
salutations / Mit freundlichem Gruß

Sergio Helio Goncalves
Cash & Banking

Sonae Serviços de Gestão, SA
Lugar do Espido - Via Norte Apartado 1129
4470 - 909 Maia Portugal
Phone: +351220100 - Ext. 31556 Fax: +351220100543
E-mail: shgoncalves at Web Site: 

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