Troubleshooting touchscreen && hal
Xandros Pilosa
folivora.pilosa at
Thu Nov 12 19:36:57 UTC 2009
Dne 12.11.2009 (čet) ob 11:37 +0000 je Nasa zapisal(a):
> Thanks again for taking the time,
You are welcome, I'm just sorry for not being of much help.
> I reduced the "info.product" key to just "eGalax" which didn't result in any
> changes. I was wondering if there is any way to monitor what hal is matching/parsing?
lshal, hal-find-by-property, hal-find-by-capability and other tools from
"man lshal" could be what you are looking for.
Just quick example I can think of without diving to much into hal waters
for finding hal device udi:
hal-find-by-capability --capability input
to find device udi
an then:
lshal -u /wathever/the/relevant/output/for/eGalax/from previous/command
or from[1]
$ UDI=$(hal-find-by-capability --capability input.mouse)
$ lshal -u $UDI
and look for what input.x11_driver key shows.
You may find useful to install gnome-device-manager (universe repo.), if you prefer gui.
(When in program, check if View--> Device Properties is selected as it was not by default in Hardy version)
> I was wondering if there is any way to monitor what hal is matching/parsing?
> I would love to verify that hal is reading the .fdi file (which I have in only 1 place).
> BTW: looking at syslog, messages, etc -- doesn't report anything about this problem.
To stop and restart hald in verbose mode you can check man hald
or from [2]:
To get detailed information on your logs, ask hald to be verbose
changing your /etc/conf.d/hald:
> Thanks again,
> Nasa
> Oh, if there are any other troubleshooting methods I am missing -- I am open to any suggestions!
I am out of ideas, but I would certainly like to know the solution, so
if you find one, please do post it here.
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