Wireless: network detected, but no connection

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 10 21:33:28 UTC 2009

On 11/10/2009 01:08 PM, NoOp wrote:
> I've of course set the router et al back to wpa2 & that's also working
> w/o issue.
> I'll load up network manager in awhile & repeat the the test with NM.

OK. Loaded NM back up & rebooted (I needed to anyway because I'd removed
policykit-gnome); while it was rebooting I changed the router back to no
security using a different essid. I used 'y' this time.

Machine booted w/o issues & NM showed no connection. Clicked on the NM
applet & click on the 'y' network - works w/o issue. Checked in the
configuration settings for 'Auto y' and it's showing:

Mode: Infrastructure
BSSID: blank
MAC Address: blank
MTU: automatic

Wireless Security:
Security: None

IPv4 Settings:
Menthod: Automatic (DHCP)

IPv6 Settings:
Method: Ignore

Note: Available to all users is _not_ checked.

While still connected using 'y', I changed the router back to my wpa2
essid. Temporarily lost the connection & NM automatically reconnected to
the secure wpa2 using the previous profile 'Auto .'.

So, either one (wicd or NM) are working for me connecting to the
unsecured networks.

You might try 'purging' wicd (while still connected using NM) to that
the configuration files are removed. You'll also need to delete the
folders wicd leaves behind:

$ sudo apt-get purge wicd
$ sudo updatedb
$ locate wicd
and then remove the leftovers. Then:
$ sudo apt-get install wicd

and see if that works. You can do the same with NM while connected via wicd:

$ sudo apt-get purge network-manager network-manager-gnome
$ sudo updatedb
$ sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome

Hope that helps.

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