DRBD inside DRBD

Gilberto Nunes gilberto.nunes at selbetti.com.br
Tue Nov 10 10:42:06 UTC 2009

Hi friends

I need a solution here.
I think deploy a server with two VM with kvm over ubuntu, and inside
this VM use DRBD to replicate some share partition, like /home, p.e.
I need use heartbeat to monitoring this VM too.
What happen is that I need have two identical servers, and share some
partition between then....
Like this scenario:

|--------------------|			       |--------------------|
| 	Host0	     |			       |           Host1    |
| |-------------|    |DRBD from phisical server|    |--------------||
| |VM-0		|<---|-------------------------|--->|          VM-1||
| |		|    |			       |    |              ||
| |	|-------|    |  DRBD from inside VM    |    |------|       ||
| |	|/home	|<---|-------------------------|--->|/home |       ||
| |	|-------|    |                         |    |------|       ||
| |-------------|<---|-------------------------|--->|--------------||
|		     |   HeartBeat             |                    |
|--------------------|                         |--------------------|  

Some advice???


Gilberto Nunes Ferreira
Selbetti Gestão de Documentos
Telefone: +55 (47) 3441-6004
Celular: +55 (47) 8861-6672

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