Whoever gave NM a keyring

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 9 03:39:04 UTC 2009

On 11/06/2009 06:16 AM, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> 	The keyring is a complete worthless poorly written software 
> that makes Network Manager (NM) worthless! There is NO reason 
> to protect the password I gave my router. It is just to keep 
> local Internet users guessing.
> 	I had to delete a lot of the keyring stuff and that somehow 
> caused it to need a new password! So I gave it karl. Now when 
> I start 9.10 a panel comes up first asking for my keyring 
> password, I give it karl and the NM starts fine now.
> 	But this is STUPID!
> 	If you are the one who put the gnome-keyring into the NM 
> PLEASE TAKE IT OUT. I deleted all I was able to as a root user 
> and keyring is still alive and well.
> 	This is why so many people use wcid. No keyring crap.

Have you considered opening up seahorse
(Applications|Accessories|Passwords and Encryption Keys) and checking
and/or deleting the keys there?

I am quite certain that you've been adivsed about this previously.

If you do that, you will most likely (on any normal new 9.10 install)
see an entry along the lines of 'Network secret for xyz' network if
you've added one.

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