Ubuntu, SATA, installation!?
ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Sun Nov 8 00:37:47 UTC 2009
0 wrote:
> I've not installed Ubuntu yet, I want to know whether it supports the SATA controller of the PC mentioned. I hope the manual tells enough information about the SATA controller for you to answer.
> https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B8oLg_kLKV2eNGE1Njk5NjUtMjNlOC00NzQ0LWEwM2YtOTlkNThiOTBkNzZj&hl=en
> Actually, I'm not sure whether I'm going to install Ubuntu, and am afraid that I'll not cope with the installation, as this is my first installation of an OS.
> I would be extremely glad if I could get a relevant and helpful reply.
If you do decide to install ubuntu, just do it. After all, if Ubuntu
doesn't support your SATA chip by some unheard of chance, you won't get
so far as to install anything, so no loss.
I often suggest it's a good idea to search for a LUG (Linux User Group)
in your local area and crash a meeting. If you bribe someone with pizza
and beer, you can usually find someone to handhold you for your first
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