Brasero won't copy a CD Solved!

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Nov 7 18:31:10 UTC 2009

On 11/07/2009 02:01 AM, Graham Watkins wrote:
> However, since my original post, I have upgraded to 9.10 and I note that 
> a couple of days ago the updates included a new version of Brasero.   
> How far the solving of the problem is due to the upgrading and updating 
> and how much due to my workaround, I'm not really sure as yet.

Here are the changes from that update:
2.28.2-0ubuntu1   	 updates (main)  	 three days ago
Publishing details

    * Published on 2009-11-04


brasero (2.28.2-0ubuntu1) karmic-proposed; urgency=low

  * New upstream version: (LP: #458709)
    - Data project: multiple file rename do not work
    - Remember volume title
    - Crash when launching with -e option
    - brasero crashed with SIGSEGV in
      brasero_burn_session_set_image_output_full() (LP: #449644)
    - Make burning audio cds with brasero work (LP: #459103)

Unfortunately those changes haven't made it to Jaunty & my only
DVD/CD-RW is on Jaunty.

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