Whoever gave NM a keyring

Steven Susbauer stupendoussteve at me.com
Sat Nov 7 17:42:16 UTC 2009

On Nov 7, 2009, at 10:30 AM, Karl F. Larsen wrote:

> 	I know your page is about NM and wired Internet. So I did a
> Google search with:
> 	ubuntu network manager keyring
> and this brings up many pages from the Ubuntu pages where
> people are having trouble with the keyring. They have some
> good ways to defeat the keyring.
> 	My bug is about this problem and a new user should not be
> forced to google a solution to this problem before they get
> wireless working.

A new user would not have an issue with this problem. By default the  
keyring will automatically unlock with the password you set for the  
user account when you installed Ubuntu, and is thus transparent. I  
believe the only time you would be asked is if you change your account  
password, and then you just need to update the keyring password (if it  
even needs it).

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