MacBook Pro and Ubuntu.

Chris Jones christopher.rob.jones at
Sat Nov 7 12:47:16 UTC 2009


On 7 Nov 2009, at 1:47am, John Appleseed wrote:

> So, I just ordered a refurbished 15" MacBook Pro from Apple, and I was
> wondering if Ubuntu works fine under Boot Camp? Has anyone had any
> problems? The laptop doesn't arrive until Monday or Tuesday, so I have
> a little bit of time to decide if I want to try  it or not.

When I got my macbook Pro, about a year ago now, I thought I would  
eventually do the same. However, first I tried putting ubuntu into a  
Virtual machine, just as an experiment, and that was worked very well  
such that I never needed use BootCamp. The advantage of using a VM is  
of course yo don't need to dual boot, which is very nice. Of course,  
there is a small overhead to running in a VM, the biggest being your  
machine needs enough ram. But if you have enough, and I would say 4G  
giving 2G to the VM is a good balance, then I would give this a try.  
Dual booting is very yesterday ;)

I know this isn't really an answer to your question, but I thought it  
might interest you if you hadn't thought of using a VM...


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