9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Fri Nov 6 14:29:27 UTC 2009

thomas wrote:

>  > It's the most stable it's been in 18 months, and it's
>  > working for almost everybody.
> You are not being trufull in this statement. 

Oh?  I could just get angry that you'd call me a liar, but the facts do 
speak for themselves.

> Version 9.04,
> which was the first that I used, was much better. 

For whom?  Not for a large number of people with Intel graphics cards.  I've 
been using Karmic kernels and xorg drivers since June because of the Intel 
graphics issues.  The last good _Kubuntu_ release was probably 7.10.

> There
> are too many problems to go into details again since so
> many people have mentioned them in their postings. 

And a large number of people have said they've had no issues.  A vastly 
larger number of people have said nothing at all.

>  >> Even Thunderbird is flaky in 9.10.

Wouldn't know, couldn't care.  Thunderbird is not an Ubuntu core component.

> This is very true and is true for Firefox. In 9.04 both of
> these tended to work with problems

I use Firefox extensively and haven't had issues.

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