9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at verizon.net
Fri Nov 6 14:31:15 UTC 2009

thomas wrote:
> dean wrote:
>> Rashkae wrote:
>>> thomas wrote:
>>>>  > It's the most stable it's been in 18 months, and it's
>>>>  > working for almost everybody.
>>>> You are not being trufull in this statement. Version 9.04,
>>>> which was the first that I used, was much better. There
>>>> are too many problems to go into details again since so
>>>> many people have mentioned them in their postings. I
>>>> agree with the statement.
>>> 9.04 was a disaster by comparison.  KDE updated to KDE4, before it was
>>> ready by far, Amarok destroyed, god help you if you had an Intel graphic
>>> chip and upgraded without taking the warning in release notes to heart..
>>> Early adopters of ext4 having config files truncated to 0 bytes,
>>> followed by a kernel that would lock up when you delete too many files
>>> that wouldn't get patched for months; I could go on.
>>> I love 9.04 personally, but subjectively, to say that 9.04 release was
>>> 'better' than 9.10 is a joke.
>> http://laserjock.wordpress.com/2009/11/04/the-myth-of-the-bad-ubuntu-release/
>> I rest my case :)
> I see that I need to correct my posting.  The corrected version of 9.04 
> was a lot
> better than the first version of 9.10.
> Thomas
I don't usually install a release for a month or two and by then they 
are working well.  I got caught up in all this fussing and upgraded to 
9.10 yesterday.  Works for me.
I can't figure why anyone would expect a new upgrade to work 100 
percent.  Everyone I have downloaded early has had problems in the early 
days.  Look at Microsoft you buy there stuff and wait a couple years for 
a new program and you have to buy it Like Microsoft 7.   I don't think 
anyone writing any Linux is getting rich so hang in there it will get 
better.  Ever heard of biting the hand that feeds You?  Not writing this 
in reply to you Thomas, only to the the thread.

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