9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu

Robert Spanjaard spamtrap at arumes.com
Thu Nov 5 22:45:44 UTC 2009

On Thu, 05 Nov 2009 14:07:12 -0500, Fred Roller wrote:

>> YMMV, 9.04 sucked out loud for me. But kinda the point of a 6 month
>> release cycle is to always have new->better->different. The safe choice
>> is LTS that is more conservative and you don't have to worry about what
>> side of "bleeding edge" you wind up on, the painful or the cute.
> +1
> Why are new users being encouraged to use the latest and greatest
> release.

Because that's what it's supposed to be: the latest and greatest. Not 
some buggy beta-version.

Regards, Robert                                      http://www.arumes.com

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