9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu

Mike McGinn mikemcginn at mcginnweb.net
Thu Nov 5 17:00:10 UTC 2009

On Thursday 05 November 2009 11:50:47 Clint Tinsley wrote:
> It appears that Karmic Koala was rushed out the door and is really giving
>  Ubuntu and Linux a black eye as a very flawed, buggey release.  There have
>  been two derogative reviews with the second one today on Linux Magazine
>  Daily titled "Hey Ubuntu, Stop Making Linux Look Bad" and it sad to
>  acknowledge that they are right.  The article reports that maybe 10% of
>  the user population is getting a "succesful" working installlation and
>  after my experience this morning, I wonder for how longed.  I did an
>  inplace upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10, things were seriously broken.  I did a
>  clean install, had a few challenges, not a perfect install. Then this
>  morning, I found that my Wine menu was "reset" and one of my application
>  folders was missing off the hard drive, this after a update that sort of
>  worked, I think.  And like many have experienced, 9.10 is very slow to
>  boot.  Waiting for the real release of 9.10... or atleast a remix.  I
>  cannot recommend 9.10 to my user community.  9.04 was great, it worked,
>  Gloria Mint 7 put on the polish.
> Sorry, please no flames.
> Clint
Totally opposite of my experience. I upgraded to the 9.10 beta a few weeks ago 
from 9.04 and have had no problems with it.

Mike McGinn
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