Turning off keyboard mouse

Harold Hartley wheelie207 at ownmail.net
Wed Nov 4 06:08:16 UTC 2009

Hi, I'm currently running Ubuntu 9.10 on the Dell Latitude D800 Laptop
and it has a button in the middle of the keyboard for the mouse. Well
every time I go to type, the curser moves everywhere and drives me nuts
because I'm unable to use it until I finally stop it from staying to the
edge of the screen.
I would really like to know what file I may have to edit if possible and
where its located in order for me to disable the keyboard mouse.

Other than that, ubuntu 9.10 has been running just fine for me with no
other problems except for the above problem.
I find it starts up faster than windows and makes the network connection
much faster and shuts down a lot faster than windows.
I find Ubuntu has been making nice improvements after each release.


  Harold Hartley
  wheelie207 at ownmail.net

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