question about mailing lists license ,

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Tue Nov 3 20:27:53 UTC 2009

> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 5:40 AM, <grahamtodd2 at> wrote:
>> On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 21:20:07 +0330
>> a dehqan <dehqan65 at> uttered these words:
>> > Do mailing list own person
>> > answer copyright ? please give a voucher for your claim .
>> [snipped]
>> A little bit of googling would have given you this:


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:53 PM, a dehqan <dehqan65 at> wrote:
> In The Name Of God The compassionate merciful
> Good day everyone ;
> Thanks everyone for attentions ;
> Thanks a lot Graham Todd  for your good answer ;
> Graham Todd  ,see Iran law opinion is not required ,our religion Eslam  says
> you can copy a person wealth/writens while he/she allows you , cause of this
> it is required to know should we ask just from writer of post here for
> permission OR not , we should ask from list admin for permission
> You say that the list owner does not hold copyright and individual posters
> hold copyright to their posts , If so we should just ask permission from
> writer . To be sure 100% , would you give a voucher that list does not have
> any copyright for posts/mails ?
> Regards dehqan


I cannot speak for Graham Todd, but I think his answer seemed quite
considered and thorough. I suspect people are misunderstanding what
answer you expect. I know _I_ do not understand what you mean by "a
voucher." Are you hoping for an opinion written on paper? Or are you
hoping someone will unambiguously bless your endeavor? (For a blessing
I believe you MUST consult a legal authority in Iran.)

If you believe the Wikipedia article Mr. Todd quoted was accurate,
then your entire issue is moot. The article says Iran is not a
signatory to the international treaty regarding copyright, and you do
not need to respect international copyright rules for a publication
that will only be seen in Iran. (I suppose you might consider a mail
server or archive in Iran to be a local "publisher" so that
technically these words are now being published in Iran, too. Ask your
legal authority.)

If your publication sells well I hope you would expect to share a
proportionate amount of your profits with each author of the work. You
may not be legally compelled to share your profit because you are
quoting items published outside Iran. But you might consider it to be
the moral thing to do.

ULTIMATELY, however, there is an easier way. Rather than publish
others' words, I believe you would be BEST served by writing the same
information yourself using your OWN words, in Farsi or English or
whatever languages you are comfortable and fluent in. Then there
should be no question at all regarding copyright or profit.

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