Upgrading to Karmic Koala with squashfs filesystems

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Tue Nov 3 08:37:40 UTC 2009

I want to give a reminder to anyone who is currently using a squashfs
filesystem on Jaunty (or older) and who is considering an in-place upgrade
to Karmic.

Squashfs has jumped from version 3.x to version 4.x, and 4.x is *NOT*
backwards compatible with the older version.

You have two options:
1) before upgrade: unsquash your squashed filesystem, upgrade, reboot, and
resquash with the new version of squashfs
2) after upgrade: boot from a 9.04 livecd or unetbootin'ed usb stick (you
may need to do that anyway if you squashed something important like /usr),
unsquash your squashed filesystem, reboot, resquash with the new version
of squashfs

I had to find this out the hard way: my netbook became unbootable because
it couldn't mount my squashed /usr. Bytheway, is this worth filing a bug
report on Launchpad?

Amedee Van Gasse
amedee at vangasse.eu

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