why ubuntu 910 boot very slow?

John Scott fyrbrds at aim.com
Tue Nov 3 01:39:19 UTC 2009

 At 17 seconds, this SATA RAID setup kicks the snot out of my windows startup time on the same system. Of course since this is the first non-wubi full install I have done so I have nothing to compare it to. I am using essentially the same software that I use on windows. Linux is much faster. The memory footprint is much lower. Even my normally bogged down Firefox with a zillion extensions is snappy. Whatever performance issues there are don't seem to affect my rig, aside from crappy wifi performance that is.



-----Original Message-----
From: born <linuxbqj at gmail.com>
Sent: Mon, Nov 2, 2009 3:09 am
Subject: Re: why ubuntu 910 boot very slow?

hi,I update the kernel.Now it boot up fast.
I don't know why.

2009/11/2 NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net>

On 11/01/2009 03:45 AM, born wrote:

> hi,all!

>      before Oct 29th,I had install the ubuntu 910 beta on my notebook.At

> that time,it use 35 seconds to login into the system .

> Yesterday,I installed the ubuntu 910 standard on the notebook.Now it use 75

> seconds to login into the system.


> My notebook is ASUS x31.the memory is 2G.

> Is someone know the reason? Thanks any way!




leads to multiple bug reports. You might want to review those & see if

perhaps there is an answer in one of them. Possibilities:


[Linux thinks there’s a floppy drive when there’s not. Probing slows

down bootup by almost a minute.]


[Karmic slow boot]


[Very slow boot up times (2m 30s) on Karmic 9.10 compared to 25 secs

with Jaunty 9.04.]




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