how to set default proxy?

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at
Mon Nov 2 14:11:54 UTC 2009

On Sat, 31 Oct 2009 13:28:40 -0700 (PDT)
Eugeneapolinary Ju <eugeneapolinary81 at> uttered these words:

> hi
> I know that I could use ssh tunneling:
> ssh -fND localhost:6000 SOMEBODY at -p PORTNUMBER
> to surf the web through another machines internet connection -> I
> just need to set Firefox to use proxy 6000.
> But:
> How can I set that on the client side, to e.g.: ping through the
> machine with openssh-server? Not just setting Firefox to use port
> 6000. Is there any method for setting the default proxy in Linux, so
> that if I use wget, I will download through the ssh tunnel?
> Thank you
I use Privoxy as my proxy.  It is not set to use port 6000, but you can
set whatever port it listens upon in its config file.

Since its a bit out of my area of expertise, I don't know about ssh
tunelling, but Privoxy supports HTTP and HTTPS but not FTP or other

By using the Network Proxy tool, you can set the port the system
listens on and set it for all applications.  Unless you change it, this
will stay as the default.

Is that any help?

Graham Todd
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