802.11-N Howto

Raseel Bhagat raseelbhagat at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 13:44:33 UTC 2009

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 6:30 PM, John Scott <fyrbrds at aim.com> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chan Chung Hang Christopher <christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk>
> Sent: Mon, Nov 2, 2009 1:03 pm
> Subject: Re: 802.11-N Howto
> fyrbrds at netscape.net wrote:
> >  You wouldn't call that tweaking? What difference does that make? Do
> you know
> tools that do this or not? Why can't anyone just answer that question?
> >
> >
> >
> Those are standard settings for any wireless connection...if the tools
> don't offer that....what can I say?
> >> Are there not gui tools for configuring the connection parameters
> 802.11
> >
> I think you are confusing standards with abstractions for bundled
> standards. 802.11 b, g, & n are all standards but there is no option to
> choose either in Ubuntu.  WPA & WPA2 are standards. The inability to
> choose between them is NOT a standard.  In Ubuntu, all the "standard
> settings" are lumped together in simplistic drop boxes but other tools
> exist that let you select what type of encryption you will use and what
> wifi connection standard.   The tools that Ubuntu uses as standard are
> tools my grandmother might like because they have few if any options.
> But what about those of us that know what settings we need? what about
> cases where the simple tools don't work properly because they select
> the wrong standard to use? Ubuntu clearly decided to keep it simple and
> that's fine, but what tools have they removed that might be helpful
> here? My hope is that someone on this list has some experience changing
> these kinds of settings on a more granular level than is possible for
> these 3rd grade level tools.
> I am not even sure that 802.11-N is supported in Linux. If someone
> said, "I understand how you feel but most stock kernel drivers for wifi
> cards do not support the wifi-n standard yet," that would be helpful.
> Or, "those tools are not normally used in Ubuntu but you can download
> them here," that would be helpful. Is anyone getting N speed with
> Ubuntu?

802.11 N IS supported on Linux. I have an Intel Wifi chipset which requires
the iwl4965 driver. It's in "abgn" mode by default.

I'm pretty sure than ath9K has 802.11n support.

I don't know of specific GUI tools for configuring the driver, but
traditionally, the madwifi driver was controlled by the wireless tools like
iwconfig , iwlist, etc. and hostapd.

So , you might want to try the following commands :
sudo iwlist wllan0 modulation

This might show you if "11n" is selected. If not , try,

sudo iwconfig wlan0 modulation 11n

Substitute the above commands with "ath0" if that is your wifi interface.

Also, I'm just guessing those are the above commands since I don;t have a
Atheros chipset.

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