The unwanted upgrade

Steve yorvik.ubunto at
Sun Nov 1 15:10:08 UTC 2009

On Sun, 01 Nov 2009 02:01:39 -0000, thomas <valhalla2100 at>  

> I just got upgraded to the new version. Did not realize that the  
> automatic
> upgrades was for the new version.
> Well, only my e/m and browser work now. I lost my wireless speakers and
> was not able to connect to the stations that I was listening to before  
> the
> light on the wireless speakers transmitter clicked off.
> To the powers that be - please give users a CLEAR option to upgrade  
> before
> doing it. This to me seems like a regular upgrade.
> Thomas

A new version of what?

To upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu requires several mouse clicks, with  
the Update Manager expalining what is happening at each stage and allowing  
you to back out. It is rather hard to do accidentally.


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